
inkjet vs toner

18 June 2018

DataMaster Lab Report:  InkJet vs Toner

It has been said that “inkjets are faster” than toner machines. In a “bang for buck” analysis, this could be argued. However, in a marketplace segmented on machine speed, this remark is, to say the least, specious. Much of what we do here at DataMaster Lab / is motivated by a desire to give our subscribers real, independent expert analysis, and we have sought to address that ill-informed remark by giving you all the facts.

DataMaster Lab exists to help you to tell the difference.

In 2018 we are seeing the toner machines’ mastery of the office printing equipment marketplace challenged for the first time.
We felt the time was right to share our competitive technical and market analysis of the new kids on the block.
Both inkjet and electrophotography have their advantages and disadvantages, and this report sets them all out.

Strengths and weaknesses related to the technologies fall into three categories:
  • Productivity
  • Quality
  • Cost
In addition, buyers have to consider flexibility, usability, connectivity for mobile users and for business process integration, green credentials and increasingly, security (for data and for the devices).
This report highlights the strengths and weaknesses relating to these aspects too, and how different manufacturers’ ranges perform in all of the above.

"This is a very interesting and challenging time for the office equipment industry. Big and powerful actors are waving incredible margins under the noses of copier dealerships – but still have to prove they can deliver a viable alternative to the office laser," said Edward Bilson, Technical Director at DataMaster Lab. This report sets out the state of play at present, May 2018.

Our analysis is based on results from exhaustive testing by our own teams. DataMaster Lab has been testing office hardcopy output devices – printers and copiers – since 2009.
This report sets out the strengths and weaknesses we have identified in both technologies, and in the brands’ overall offerings and market positioning.

You can download it here.

DataMaster : inkjet vs toner

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